Importance of community and connection celebrated during Seniors Festival

We took the opportunity to celebrate our seniors together!
16th February 2023

Importance of community and connection celebrated during Seniors Festival

With Seniors Festival done and dusted, and as we pack away the barbeques, balloons, tea and biscuits from our state-wide celebrations, we reflect on how, as an organisation, we are able to provide many opportunities for our customers to remain connected to their wider community throughout the year.

Although this event is one fortnight in the calendar year, for us, it is merely an extension of what we already do to keep our seniors social and stimulated.

Let’s not forget that over the past few years, the pandemic was especially tough on our senior community, with fear, trauma, anxiety and grief related to COVID-19, along with fewer opportunities for pleasurable activities, playing a major role in influencing their mental health.

So now, more than ever, we are working hard to ensure that our seniors experience connection, community and comradery at our various social groups and programs.

Between painting, arts & craft, chair yoga and simply sitting down for a good old cuppa and a chinwag, our customers enjoy spending time together and sharing stories, no matter the occasion.

From discussing their first jobs, children, grandchildren (and for some even great grandchildren!), we love hearing about our customers life experiences; the good, the bad and the not as pretty! After all, they went through school without Google and know of life before a mobile phone!

A big shout out goes to our wonderful aged care team as they are the ones who support and assist our seniors, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They keep our customers connected to their social groups and activities, nurture their interests, but most importantly, ensure that they are safe and supported in their daily lives.

So even though Seniors Festival might be finished for another year, we make sure that we celebrate our seniors all throughout the year and remain committed to connecting them to their community. After all, what would we do without them? We definitely wouldn’t be receiving as much life advice or cracking one liners…

If you need further information please call us

We provide a range of aged care services to suit your needs

Home Care Packages

Social Support Group Programs

Community Transport

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