Low level care after a hospital stay
It is designed to help you live safely and regain your independence – and to prevent avoidable readmission.
Assistance with everyday tasks
Case management
Personal care
Domestic assistance
Meal preparation

Who is eligible for ComPacks?
The ComPacks program is for people who are being discharged from hospital, don’t have a carer at home, and aren’t eligible for government-funded aged care or other support programs like the NDIS.
Referrals for ComPacks are made through the hospital or community mental health. Eligibility is determined by the Local Health District and screened by the Aged Care Access Centre. LiveBetter provides ComPacks to people living in the Western NSW, Hunter New England and Far West Local Health Districts.
How can ComPacks assist me?
When you are referred for ComPacks in hospital, you will be allocated a LiveBetter case manager who will work with you to organise services such as domestic assistance, personal care and transport. We encourage all of our ComPacks customers to have choice in their care. Your services can be delivered by LiveBetter or through external providers.
Although ComPacks is a 6-week program, it can be extended depending on your individual circumstances.
How much does ComPacks cost?
The ComPacks program is funded by NSW Health. A client fee of $60.00 is requested for the program. If a person is unable to pay this amount, a reduced amount may be able to be negotiated.