Meet Izzy Wyld, LiveBetter Community Hub’s newest recruit!

This International Day of People with Disability we're thrilled to introduce Izzy Wyld. Izzy, who lives with Autism, is excited to be taking on a new role at LiveBetter.
3rd December 2023

This International Day of People with Disability we’re thrilled to introduce Izzy Wyld, LiveBetter Community Hub’s newest recruit.

You may already know Izzy. For the past five years she’s been making great coffee over at Café Connect, and in that time, Izzy, who lives with Autism, has grown in both skill and confidence. While the team at Café Connect are sad to see her go, they’re thrilled to see Izzy embark on a new adventure.

Soon customers and community members will be greeted by Izzy’s warm smile when they visit LiveBetter’s new space at 180 Anson Street. In her new role, Izzy will have a broad range of responsibilities, and she is looking forward to the challenge.

Sam Anderson, LiveBetter’s Customer Service Hub Team Leader believes Izzy will be a fantastic fit for her new role, saying, “Izzy has a warm personality, amazing customer service skills, and a real ability to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone.”

When we spoke with Izzy, she was both nervous and excited about starting her new role.

“I’m really looking forward to it, although I’m a bit nervous about starting something new. But I know that I’ll have the support I need to do the best I can.”

And that’s all anybody needs when starting a new job.

December 3 is International Day of People with Disability, a day which invites us all to work together to make the world a better place for people with disability, and inclusion lies at the heart of this.

At LiveBetter, we are committed to ensuring people with disability have a big say in the issues that impact them and feel included across all areas of life.

This commitment includes supporting people like Izzy to achieve their employment goals. To earn a living, to begin each day with a sense of purpose, and to feel that the contribution you make to your community is valued. These are the essential pillars of a good life – and we believe the opportunity to live a good life is something that should be within everyone’s reach.

Happy International Day of People with Disability!

Find out more about our disability services today!
1800 580 580

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