How you can help those affected by the recent Central West & Riverina floods

Let's help those affected by the recent floods across Central West NSW
16th November 2022

With so much of our LiveBetter community impacted by the recent flooding, we wanted to compile a list of ways to help those affected through physical and monetary donations, as well as ways to dig in and get your hands dirty.

This is the largest flood operation in NSW’s history after record rains fell on the evening of Sunday 13th November, leaving many to abandon their houses, some of which at very short notice.

As this is an ever-evolving situation, we will work to update this list as we come across new ways to lend a hand in the affected communities across the Central West and Riverina regions.

If you have any concerns about road closures or if you can travel to a certain area, your best sources will be:

Donations for Eugowra

Eugowra is now completely at capacity for any form of physical donations. But they still need our help! The people on the ground are saying the best way to help the Eugowra community is donating to the GIVIT Eugowra Flood Appeal where 100% of the donated funds go directly to those affected.

They are also accepting pre-paid VISA gift cards, addressed to:

Eugowra Flood Appeal, Eugowra Rural Transaction Centre, 45 Broad St, Eugowra NSW 2806.

Other ways and organisations to provide monetary donations to are listed below.

Monetary Donations

No matter how big or small your donation might be, you can also make an impact in assisting those who have lost their homes and livelihoods:

  • The Salvation ArmyThank god for the Salvos! You can donate to their Disaster Appeal Fund to directly assist families across affected regions
  • Australian Red CrossThey can also help connect people with support they might need or see if their loved ones are safe
  • Orange Ex-Services Club: Cash donations to go towards purchasing Eftpos Gift Cards and Vouchers. Donations can also be made over the phone
  • Canowindra Challenge Committee – Flood Assistance DonationsA volunteer committee who organise the annual Balloon Festival has set up a fundraising page with the goal of raising a minimum of $10,000 to help those affected in Canowindra.
  • Help Rebuild Molong GoFundMe Page: This page has been set-up to help Molong get back on its feet. Funding will be allocated in consultation with Cabonne Council and all donations are sincerely appreciated.
  • 2022 Forbes Floods Assistance and SupportFind out the best ways to support the Forbes community from the devastation of another lot of floods.

We can vouch for the legitimacy of the above appeals, but be careful, as sadly, scammers will be ready to target people wanting to help.

So in the true Aussie spirit, let’s all rally together to support our neighbours. But most importantly, please follow directions from the authorities and stay safe.


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