Achieve your NDIS goals with LiveBetter Bathurst’s Centre-Based and Community Access Programs!

With a wide range of capacity-building programs available,
LiveBetter Bathurst has something for everyone.
8th May 2024

Have you heard about LiveBetter Bathurst’s Centre Based and Community Access programs? Whether it’s trying a new hobby, making new friends or building skills for the workplace, the team at LiveBetter Bathurst are passionate about supporting people who live with disability to achieve their goals.

With a wide range of capacity-building programs available, LiveBetter Bathurst has something for everyone, including:

  • Day program (Monday – Friday, 9am – 3pm)

Our daily group-based activities support you to learn new skills, try new hobbies and meet new people. From cooking and gardening to music and bowling – there’s something for everyone!

  • Social groups

Meet up with old friends and make new ones at our weekly Friday night group (5.30pm – 9:30pm) or fortnightly Saturday group (10am – 1pm).

  • Employment support

Looking to enter the workforce? Our team will tailor support to help you build the skills you need to prepare for work life.

  • Support for Under 18’s

At LiveBetter Bathurst, we offer after-school care, Saturday Kids Group and vacation care for NDIS participants who are aged under 18.

According to LiveBetter Centre-Based Program Coordinator Kate Gillespie, the programs provide a wonderful opportunity for NDIS participants to socialise and learn new skills.

“Many of our customers live remotely, and coming to these programs might be the only time they get to socialise,” says Centre-based coordinator, Kate Gillespie.

“Our groups are small, which means we can focus on each participant, and what they want to achieve. Whether it’s discovering a new recipe, learning to play group sport, or building the skills needed to find work, we support each participant to reach their individual goals”.

Phil Barnden has been working with LiveBetter as a Disability Support Worker for seven years and in that time has seen people achieve things they’d never thought possible. “It’s great to see participants develop and grow. There are people I work with who never used to leave the house, and now they’re getting out, meeting people –they’re going to the footy, they’re going to the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo – they’re living life!”

At LiveBetter we’re here to support you to learn new skills, reach your goals, and make the most of every single day.

To learn more about LiveBetter Bathurst’s Centre-based and Community Access programs call 1800 580 580 or submit an online enquiry. 

Find out more about our services
1800 580 580

LiveBetter provides a range of services to suit your needs

NDIS & Disability

Social and Community Participation

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