In what is great news for older Australians and their families, the new Single Assessment System (rolled out in December 2024) means it’s now simpler and easier to access the aged care services you need.
Previously, there were different assessment pathways for different levels of care. This meant that assessments were not always consistent, and older Australians had to move between assessment organisations as their needs changed.
The new Single Assessment System means that instead of juggling a complex tangle of assessment pathways, you’ll have one single assessment pathway. You won’t have to change assessment organisations as your needs change, and you’ll only need to tell your story once.
The new Single Assessment System means that all organisations conducting aged care needs assessments are now able to do both:
- home support assessments for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme, and
- comprehensive assessments for the Home Care Packages Program, flexible aged care programs (which will be known as Support at Home from July 1, 2025) and residential respite and entry into residential aged care.
What this means for you
- No more handovers: You’ll have a single assessment provider manage all your assessments throughout your aged care journey, so you won’t need to change assessment providers as your needs change.
- Improved access for regional and remote Australians: So often people living in regional and remote areas struggle to access timely aged care support – but not anymore. The new system ensures you’ll get the care assessments you need – when you need them.
- Less waiting around: the faster processing times mean less time spent waiting and more time getting the support you need.
Why has the assessment system changed?
The Single Assessment System for aged care responds to Recommendation 28 of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. The new system will make it quicker and easier for older Australians to access the essential aged care support they need.
Will eligibility requirements for aged care change?
No, there will be no changes to aged care eligibility requirements.
Will the process for applying for an aged care assessment change?
No, the application process remains the same. To request an aged care assessment, reassessment or Support Plan Review simply visit My Aged Care or call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
How do I get started with My Aged Care?
You can learn everything you need to know about being assessed for aged care by visiting
If you have any questions about having a My Aged Care assessment, or need assistance with the process, our team is here to help you.