Social Support Group Programs

Our Social Support Group Programs help you connect with people in your stage of life through enjoyable activities and experiences.
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Life is sweeter when it's shared with others

Getting out and spending time with other people isn't just good for the soul – it's also an important part of staying well as you age. But sometimes it can be hard to know where to start.

Our Social Support Group Programs help you connect with people in your stage of life through enjoyable activities and experiences. It's a great opportunity to make friends while learning a new skill or getting some exercise.

We can't wait to meet you

Connect with others

Avoid isolation by connecting with others, which is beneficial for your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

Make new friends

Making friends can be hard as you grow older. We provide opportunities to meet like-minded locals and build meaningful relationships.

Choose your own adventure

What would you like to do or learn? We co-design the program with you, so it matches your personality and interests.

Contact us to see how LiveBetter can help

1800 580 580

Support to help you stay involved in life

Getting out and about is much easier when you’re doing things you enjoy. We base our programs around you, so you can choose what you’d like to participate in.

We tailor each program to the things you are interested in – perhaps line dancing classes, learning how to paint, or a fun outing to a local attraction followed by lunch. There is something for everyone!

Some group activities we offer are:

  • Bird watching
  • Walking groups
  • Outings to a local attraction
  • Warm water exercise
  • Learning new skills like painting
  • Day outings
  • Line dancing
  • Strength training
  • Practical information sessions on topics such as healthy ageing

Funding Social Support Groups

You can access LiveBetter's Social Support Groups through your:
  • Home Care Package
  • Commonwealth Home Support Programme funding

You can also pay privately for this service.

Contact us today to see how LiveBetter can help

1800 580 580

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LiveBetter Accessibility Day

Winter fun for everyone at the Bathurst Winter Festival!
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LiveBetter Conversations

To mark NAIDOC Week 2024, we caught up with LiveBetter’s Rex Cochrane, a proud Noonghaburra and Yuwaalaraay man, and LiveBetter’s First Nations Program Advisor.
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The LiveBetter First Nations Art Prize

Building Relationships, Promoting Respect and Developing Opportunities!
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