Veterans Home Care Program
Low level support to help keep you independent
Support to stay at home
Domestic Assistance
Personal care
Safety-related home and garden maintenance
Affordable care

How does Veterans’ Home Care work?
If you have a Veteran Gold Card or a Veteran White Card, you are eligible to be assessed for Veterans’ Home Care. To do this, you can call the Department of Veterans’ Affairs on 1300 550 450 and answer a questionnaire over the phone (you will be guided through the process).
Once you have been approved for Veterans’ Home Care, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs will give your service provider – such as LiveBetter – a support plan based on your needs. This support plan will state what services you are eligible for, and the number of service hours you are able to receive.
How much does Veterans’ Home Care cost?
If you qualify for Veterans’ Home Care, you will be asked to contribute a co-payment towards the cost of your services (the exception is respite care service, which has no co-payment).
If you can’t afford co-payments, you can apply for a waiver of your co-payment through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Please get in touch if you need assistance; we’re happy to help.