Positive Behaviour Support

We'll work with you on a personalised behaviour support plan and support to improve understanding of and reduce behaviours of concern.
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Experienced support to understand and reduce behaviours of concern

Sometimes a person with a disability may have challenging behaviours that can cause concern. If this is someone you love or care for, it can be difficult and worrying. We can help.

Our Behaviour Support Specialists can help to understand why someone behaves in an unsafe, challenging or inappropriate way and reduce behaviours of concern.

Support for positive behaviour

Behaviour Support Plans

We develop and implement personalised behaviour support plans related to behaviours of concern, quality of life and restrictive practices.

Functional Behaviour Assessment Reports

Our specialists can help define behaviours of concern, assess the reasons for these behaviours and improve understanding.

Individual Skills Assessment

We can do one-on-one work to improve skills and teach new skills for better quality of life.

Contact us to see how LiveBetter can help

1800 580 580

How does Positive Behaviour Support work?

Our Behaviour Support Specialists can help to understand why someone behaves in an unsafe, challenging or inappropriate way and reduce behaviours of concern. 

We support the person, their family, support workers and schools to better understand them, their needs and how they communicate.

We write and implement personalised Behaviour Support Plans for people of all ages. We also provide positive behaviour support training and coaching for others involved in implementing support plans. And, if necessary, we can provide support around the use and authorisation of restrictive practices. 

Our specialists are used to working in different settings, including with NDIS service providers, in aged care facilities and at schools. Whatever your situation, we’ll work within your context.

Our aim is to help: 

  • reduce the intensity, frequency and duration of behaviours of concern
  • improve quality of life 
  • reduce or stop the use of restrictive practices where possible.

Our approach

We know everyone’s behaviour is unique, depending on their circumstances.

That’s why we always meet with the person we’re supporting and whoever is supporting them, including family, NDIS providers, schools or health providers. This helps us understand their needs and what they want to get out of the service.

Our supports aim to improve the systems around the person, so they can achieve the highest-level quality of life and be involved in their community.

Our plans and interventions are tailored to the environment. For example, how we work with a person in a school might be different to working with someone in respite. And our training and coaching is tailored to suit different settings. We can also help registered NDIS service providers understand compliance needs or requirements for behaviour support and restrictive practices.

Being regional experts means we’re closer than a provider who might be based in a capital city. We’re here on the ground and can meet face-to-face, spend the time and be flexible about providing regular contact and support.

Funding Behaviour Support

We provide Behaviour Support to participants funded through:

  • NDIS Capacity Building – Improved Relationships

  • My Aged Care

  • We also welcome private customers who may not have government funding.

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