Navigate Disability Services and the NDIS

Interested in NDIS support, but not sure where to start?
NDIS support services can help you live life to the fullest. The benefits of NDIS mean you set your own goals and choose your own service providers.
Of course, there’s a process to get NDIS funding. And like anything new, it may seem a bit daunting at first. But don’t worry, we know the process and we’re here to help you.
What is NDIS?
The NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. It’s Australia’s national scheme for people with disability. The aim is to give peace of mind by funding the support you need to improve your skills and independence over time.
The NDIS is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency, also known as the NDIA.
It’s delivered across the country by community organisations – like us, here at LiveBetter.
Who can get NDIS support?
The NDIS is for people with a disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities. Disabilities may be intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive or psychosocial.
There are a few requirements to get NDIS support. You could be eligible if:
- you’re between 7 and 64 years old
- you live in Australia and you’re an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or hold a Protected Special Category visa
- you were born with, or acquired, a disability that is both:
- permanent – is likely to be lifelong
- significant – has a large impact on being able to do everyday things alone
- you can show that getting supports now will help reduce your future needs.
How does NDIS work?
If you’re eligible (or your child, or the person you care for, is eligible), you can apply to join the NDIS.
Then you create your NDIS plan. This is all about you, your goals and the kind of help and support you need to achieve them. Your plan also identifies the funding you’ll get to work towards your goals.
Of course, everyone’s goals are different. For example, you might want to become more independent, get a job, build skills through therapy, volunteer, study, make friends, or join in a community activity.
Once your plan’s approved, you can start using NDIS funding to pay for your supports and services.
It’s your plan – this means you (and your nominee or third-party decision makers) control the support you receive, when you receive it, and who provides it.
What does NDIS pay for?
You can use NDIS funding to pay for supports and services that are:
- reasonable – support that is most appropriately funded or provided through the NDIS
- necessary – something you need that’s related to your disability.
This covers supports that help you pursue your goals, be more independent, take part in social activities and work, actively participate in your community, and enjoy life. So, this could include:
- help with personal care activities
- transport to help you participate in your community
- help at work to successfully get or keep a job
- therapeutic supports like occupational therapy, speech therapy and behaviour support
- aids or equipment to help you do things more independently
- mobility equipment to help you get about more easily
- early intervention for eligible people with disability or children with developmental delay
- work with a support worker
- a carer or assistive technology
- home modifications that help in your everyday life.
The support needs to represent value for money and be likely to be effective and work for you.
NDIS funding doesn’t cover day-to-day living costs unrelated to disability support needs, like grocery bills. It also doesn’t pay for support that’s provided by other government services.
We’re here to help you
It might sound like a lot to take in, but we’re here to make it easy for you. We’ll guide you through every step of the process.
Get in touch today to see how we can help you navigate the NDIS.