Live each day on your terms
Support is provided 24 hours a day and includes help with daily living tasks like personal care, cooking and cleaning. Depending on your needs you may live on your own or with other people who have a similar lifestyle to you.
Your independence and happiness come first
It's your home
Do the things you love
Dedicated staff with heart
Stay connected with family and friends
Build skills and capacity
Homes for high support needs

What does Supported Independent Living (SIL) look like?
Everyone deserves to live each day on their own terms – to be happy, healthy and independent.
At LiveBetter, we’ll help you make informed decisions so you’re always in control of your support, whether it’s the activities you do, the job you have, or your personal care routine.
Our team will get to know you, personalise your support, and create a warm environment where you feel valued and safe. We strive for consistency and positivity in daily activities, and guide you through steps to achieve your goals.
While each day is different, you’ll benefit from a familiar routine. A typical day with SIL could be:
- wake up with personal care support
- make breakfast and lunch
- go to a centre-based program or your job
- come home and make dinner
- relax with your housemates
- plus getting out and about on the weekends
We help support you in the day to day, to try new things and build capacity so you achieve your individual goals.
It’s a team effort
Our caring and qualified team will collaborate with you, your family and other health professionals – including GPs, speech pathologists, physiotherapists, behaviour practitioners, mental health professionals, occupational therapists and more.
Together we’ll collaborate, providing holistic support so you can enjoy more independence in daily life.
Getting settled in SIL
Moving into a new home is a big change. To help with the transition, we can arrange for you to meet your housemates before moving in. You can visit several times to see what the daily routine is like, join the residents for a BBQ at the park, or even try sleeping over for a night or two.
We’ll work closely with other health professionals to cater for your needs, such as dietary requirements or behaviour support plans.
Ultimately it’s your home, not ours. We want you to feel like you belong. You might like to pick a feature paint colour for your room, decorate your space, hang up your favourite photos, or share a recipe with your housemates!

How does SIL and SDA funding work?
- Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) are two separate support packages funded by the NDIA.
- If a customer is funded for SIL, it covers the cost of staffing support.
- If a customer is funded for SDA, it covers the cost of a physical dwelling – one that is designed to accommodate specialist support needs.
- To live in a SDA home, you need both SIL and SDA funding.
Keep in mind that SDA funding is not automatically funded when SIL is approved.

Other costs to consider
- Rent/board
- Utility connection fees and charges
- Use and maintenance of the allocated house vehicle
- General living costs such as food, electricity, gas, water, internet and other sundries
You will also need to pay for your own personal items, such as clothes, toiletries, medication and recreation and leisure activities.