Meet Broken Hill Artist Sebastian Mew

22nd March 2024

The legendary outback town of Broken Hill is known for its mining background, historic buildings, and vibrant artistic community. One of the many talented artists in the community is 22-year old Sebastian Mew, who is also a LiveBetter customer. Although he has been interested in drawing from a young age, he only recently discovered that painting was the perfect way for him to relax.

He has since been creating stunning artworks of places of interest in Broken Hill, including the LiveBetter office! Sebastian also has a love of model ship building and so far, he’s created 10 unique ships using mostly cardboard, superglue, paint and his imagination.

Seb holding up his painting of the LiveBetter office in Broken Hill

When he’s not busy painting up a storm, Sebastian attends a variety of LiveBetter programs. “I do cooking, men’s health programs, a radio show and community activities,” he said. And when we asked what makes him keep coming back to LiveBetter, he said “Seeing all my friends and the staff”.

LiveBetter Disability Services Coordinator Chantel has been working closely with Sebastian over the last 12 months and has been impressed by his growing confidence.

“Not only does Seb have super talents when it comes to his artworks, he has the ambition to back it. He has a very bright future ahead of him and I’m so excited to see where it takes him.”

Sebastian’s recent painting of a local metro service station was purchased by the owners, and he has even been commissioned to create a larger version. One of Sebastian’s hopes for the future is to be the owner of his own art gallery.

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