Bingo & Pizza: a red letter day for our Community Transport customers

LiveBetter Community Transport keeping our communities connected!
2nd November 2023

Every Wednesday LiveBetter Community Transport collects a group of seniors from their homes and delivers them safely to the Orange Seniors Hub for a day out with friends.

Last week we decided to tag along.

There was definitely a buzz in the air as LiveBetter’s transport passengers alighted the bus. We later learned that the hum of excitement was due to the fact that today was “Bingo & Pizza Day’ –  a red letter day on the Seniors Hub calendar.

Volunteer Beryl Reedy explained,  “‘Pizza Day’ only happens once a month and everyone looks forward to it. Older people, who often live alone, find that they never buy pizza for themselves as they know they’ll never finish a whole one. On pizza day, everyone gets three slices each, and it’s perfect.”

After the pizza, it was time to enjoy a few hours of Bingo, and then, when everyone was ready to leave, the LiveBetter Community Transport bus was there to ensure they all arrived home safely  – and stress-free.

Services like Community Transport make all the difference to those in our community who have limited mobility. It does more than just get them from Point A to Point B. Having access to Community Transport means they can maintain their independence and connect with their community. Whether it’s attending medical appointments, going shopping, or simply meeting up with friends for ‘Bingo & Pizza’, LiveBetter’s door-to-door service allows people with limited mobility to continue to live life their way.

LiveBetter’s Community Transport is a government-subsidised service and is available across multiple locations in NSW. You can learn more about LiveBetter Community Transport here

Find out how Community Transport can help you stay connected
1800 580 580

LiveBetter provides a range of transport services to suit your needs

Transport and Social Support

Community Transport

Regional Transport Services

Social Support Group Programs

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