Help for those who might never ask

Have you seen the new Australian Government campaign promoting Carer Gateway?
18th October 2022

Help for those who might never ask

Have you seen the new Australian Government campaign promoting Carer Gateway?

The Australian Government is working to raise awareness of Carer Gateway – a free support program for Australia’s 2.65 million carers, and have launched a national advertising campaign designed to see more carers reach out and get help when they need it.

Despite the large number of carers in Australia, only one in five carers have heard of Carer Gateway. With carers more than twice as likely as other Australians to have low levels of wellbeing, now is the time to boost awareness and support for carers.

The Carer Gateway campaign includes national advertising across television, digital video and display, social media, radio, and in GP surgeries, targeting mainstream, First Nations and culturally and linguistically diverse carers.

Check out two of the TV ads below:

LiveBetter is proud to be the lead Carer Gateway service provider in NSW Central West, Western and Murrumbidgee regions, and is delivering services and supports such as counselling, emergency respite, skills courses, tailored support packages, and coaching for carers in these areas.

LiveBetter CEO Natalie Forsyth-Stock says, “With the tagline ‘Help for those who might never ask,’ the national Carer Gateway campaign emphasises that looking after others can be rewarding but tough, and it’s OK to reach out and ask for support”.

If you or anyone you know are a carer, please call us today on 1800 422 737 or visit to find out how we can help you.

To learn more, or to register for support, call Carer Gateway today.

We deliver a range of supports to help carers

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