Understanding Aged Care Funding

1. Home Care Packages
Your Home Care Package comes with a budget to pay for the services you need. This budget sets out the total amount of funds that are available for you to use, and varies depending on your level of care.
The funds in your Home Care Package budget are made up of:
- The government’s contribution to your care
- Any government funding supplements you are eligible for
- An income-tested care fee you may be asked to pay, depending on your financial situation
- A basic daily fee that you pay (LiveBetter does not charge a basic daily fee)
- Any additional fees you agree to with your service provider
Together, these funds pay for your aged care services. They also cover costs from your provider to organise and manage your Home Care Package services.
It’s important to us that you are in control of your care and funding. If you partner with LiveBetter, we will break down your Home Care Package budget with you, and work with you to choose the services that make up your budget. You can view our package management costs on our pricing information page.
How much does the government contribute to my Home Care Package?
The amount of funding you receive from the government depends on which level you have been allocated. The current government subsidy for each Home Care Package level is below.
Package level Level of care needs
Level 1 Basic care needs – $9,026.45 a year
Level 2 Low care needs – $15,877.50 a year
Level 3 Intermediate care needs – $34,550.90 a year
Level 4 High care needs – $52,377.50 a year
2. Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP)
Government funding for the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) is paid directly to service providers. Those providers then use that funding to provide their services to you at a lower cost.
When you receive CHSP services, you are expected to pay a contribution towards the cost of your care. Each provider charges a different amount for their services. Typically, you pay an hourly rate for the services you receive, on the days that you receive them.
A few things to note:
- Your service will start only after you have spoken with your service provider about their fees, and agreed to pay the cost. You then make regular payments to your provider for as long as you receive your services.
- There are no exit fees for CHSP customers, and you don’t need to complete an income assessment.
- If you can’t afford to contribute to your care, don’t worry: you won’t miss out. Please talk to us so we can discuss your options.
To see LiveBetter’s Commonwealth Home Support Programme fees, visit our Pricing Information page.
3. Veterans’ Home Care
The government subsidises home care services for veterans to make it more affordable for those who are eligible. If you qualify for Veterans’ Home Care, you will be asked to contribute a co-payment towards the cost of your services (the exception is respite care service, which has no co-payment).
The cost per service is $5 per hour and there is a cap on cost. The maximum co-payment for:
- Domestic assistance is capped at $5 a week
- Personal care is capped at $10 a week
- Safety-related home and garden maintenance is capped at $75 per 12-month period
If you can’t afford co-payments, you can apply for a waiver of your co-payment through the Department of Veterans’ Affairs. Please get in touch if you need assistance; we’re happy to help.
4. Short-term care (respite)
If you qualify for respite, you can receive services from LiveBetter using funding from your Home Care Package or the Commonwealth Home Support Programme.
This includes:
- Flexible (in home) respite – provided during the day or overnight. This usually involves a paid carer coming to your home so that your usual carer can take a break.
- Centre-based respite – available during the day, this gives you the opportunity to interact with other people, usually at a day centre.
- Cottage respite – this is available overnight or over a weekend at a community location. It can be taken for two or three days at a time.
Still unsure about how aged care funding works? Give us a call so we can chat through any questions you have.