Short-term Care

Are you being discharged from hospital? Does your carer need some time off to take a break? You might benefit from short-term care.
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Short-term care provides you with temporary services to help you with everyday tasks, so you can continue living independently at home.

For some, it could be help with the housework as you recover at home from a hospital stay. For others, it could be a few hours of respite care so your family carer can take a break, or a weekend of cottage respite.

A helping hand when you need it most

Helping people is the heartbeat of who we are. Our short-term care programs offer assistance that is built around each person’s individual needs, and tailored to suit their lifestyle.

Respite that benefits everyone

We want you to enjoy your respite experience. Along with giving carers some time out, our respite care is engaging, personalised and designed to promote each person’s wellbeing. 

Services are tailored to your needs

Our Transitional Aged Care Program service is flexible to your routine. We’ll provide care on the days and times that suit you, so you can focus on your recovery.

A local provider you can trust

Our home care workers and case managers are locals from your community who you can connect with. They’ll take the time to get to know you, so you can build trust.

Am I eligible for short-term care?

The eligibility criteria for government-funded short term care services varies, depending on what type of support you are seeking. If you would like some advice about whether you are eligible, please contact us. We’re happy to help.

Eligibility for the Transitional Aged Care Program is determined by NSW Health. Please note that LiveBetter only provides this program to people who live in the Western NSW Local Health District. To find out if you are in this region, please see the district map.


Contact us today to see how LiveBetter can help

1800 580 580

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