Partnering with LiveBetter

We partner with:

Why partner with us?
As the trusted partner of 3,600 seniors, people with disability and families, we are passionate about supporting local communities. We are the largest regionally-based provider with an extensive footprint in regional NSW, Queensland and Victoria and significant capabilities for large scale projects and events.
We’re also locals. With staff and customers born and bred in regional and rural towns, regional people are at the heart of everything we do.
Our philosophy and service approach plays an important role in helping people flourish in their chosen communities, whether they’re a customer receiving support, or a local employee who is able to progress in their career.
Over the past two decades, LiveBetter has amalgamated with over 30 local organisations to ensure services stay local and sustainable. By partnering with us, you can do genuine good for regional Australia and the wonderful people who live here.
Who we partner with

Not for Profits
Together we can:

Corporate partners

Funding and Philanthropic partners
As locals who understand the unique needs of regional communities, we can work with forward thinking funders to bring smart solutions to connect people.

Technology partners
We also want to increase innovative services in regional and remote areas of Australia, improve online connectivity and promote digital literacy.

Research partners
We believe research is critical to the development of innovative and sustainable practices and to improved wellbeing and support outcomes for service users. So we are open to collaborative, research-based sector development and best practice clinical services and service delivery models. We are also open to reviews, new methodologies and studies and are keen to hear from research organisations about their ideas.

School, training and development partnerships
If you are school advisor, training service or skill development organisation we would love to hear from you. We offer traineeships and work placement opportunities and are always looking to provide training opportunities for staff and invest in their development.