Customer Rights & Responsibilities
Customers of LiveBetter have certain rights and responsibilities to assist them in receiving the best possible services.
Rights and responsibilities

As a customer of LiveBetter you have the right to:
- Be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect at all times
- Have your wishes and choices respected
- Participate in all planning and decision making which affects you
- Make your own decisions wherever possible including decisions about medical and treatment interventions
- Use an advocate or representative of your choice
- Receive quality services suited to your individual needs
- Receive services in a professional, competent and culturally respectful manner
- Enjoy a safe environment when receiving services at a LiveBetter location
- Receive regular reviews of your identified needs and modifications to your Care Plan as required
- Be provided with information about services, options, service plans, fees and charges
- Be assisted to understand any information given by staff
- Privacy and confidentiality of, and access to, all your personal information
- Freedom from abuse and discrimination
- Make a complaint and expect that it will be investigated and resolved fairly and quickly and without retribution
As a customer of LiveBetter you have a responsibility to:
- Respect the rights of workers and treat them with courtesy
- Advise us immediately if you are unable to meet with us or attend a scheduled appointment as arranged
- Let staff know if you do not understand anything about the service, your rights and responsibilities or any fees and charges
- Ensure a safe environment for staff (in your own home)
- Refrain from smoking near staff or indoors when staff are working