Complaints & feedback

You are welcome to make a complaint or to give feedback about any aspect of our services at any time.

We value your feedback

Complaints and Feedback

You are welcome to make a complaint or to give feedback (suggestions, compliments or general comments) about any aspect of our services at any time. We value complaints and feedback as this is an important way for us to address problems and improve services.

You can use an advocate (someone who speaks on your behalf) to make a complaint or give feedback. See ‘Advocacy’ below. Making a complaint or giving feedback will not result in your service being negatively affected, or you being discriminated against.


You have the right to expect that any complaint you make will be investigated and will be resolved within a reasonable time frame. LiveBetter commits to formally respond to any complaint within seven days and resolve issues within 30 days where possible.

You may nominate the person in LiveBetter who you would like to have as your contact person when making a complaint.

There are several ways for you to make a complaint. If you aren’t satisfied with the outcome or you don’t want to talk to someone you can go to any person listed below:

  1. Talk to your support worker or coordinator. They may be able to resolve the issue.
  2. If the issue is not resolved, the support worker or coordinator will refer you to their Team Leader.
  3. If the issue is still not resolved, the Team Leader will refer you to their Service Manager.
  4. If you prefer not to raise your comment or complaint with your support worker, coordinator, Team Leader or Service Manager you may:
  • email
  • complete the Complaints and Feedback form on this page
  • call 1800 580 580 and we will direct your complaint to an appropriate senior manager for a confidential call
  1. If you would prefer to speak to an external party regarding your complaint, here is a list of contacts, including the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission, and Advocacy contacts.

For further information, you can request a copy of our full ‘Customer Complaint Management Policy’ via email.


You can find information on Advocacy services here.


There are several ways for you to give feedback (suggestions, compliments or general comments):

  • Talk with your support worker or coordinator and ask them to pass on your feedback
  • Email
  • Complete the Feedback form on this page
  • Call 1800 580 580 and speak with a Customer Service person

Can I make a complaint or provide feedback anonymously?

Yes, you can. Please use the form on this page to anonymously make a complaint or provide feedback.

Complaints & Feedback form

Aged Care enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
NDIS & Disability enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
Other Services enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
SIL Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
Aged Care Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
All Services Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
Disability Services Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
Nursing and Behaviour Support Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
Transport Services Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!
Child and Family Services Enquiry
 - Complete the form and we'll call you back!